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Due to early and generous donations from members of our church, we are already storing a dozen full bags of gifts for this year's shoebox collection. Thank you to all who contributed with so much enthusiasm!

As has been done in recent years, anyone wishing to donate, but who may not be able to do the shopping, may make donations of $30.00 per box ($20.00 for the purchases and $10.00 for shipping). These donations need to be received by Sunday, October 20th . You may include your contribution in your regular offering envelope. There are extra boxes in the Gathering Space for anyone who enjoys filling a box themselves or with their grandchild. If you do fill a box yourself, we encourage you to gear the items to boys or girls aged 10 -14 years of age. Thanking you for your ongoing support---

Margaret Houtby

We received a message from Helen Marshall thanking all her