Each monthly Calvin Session meeting of our church Elders begins with prayer in preparation for discussion of a formal agenda concerning congregational needs, committee plans and special items.

Last month we were sorry to accept the resignation of Heather Collum as she found that her work schedule made it impossible to attend meetings on a regular basis. Heather is a long-time and valued member of our congregation, and we hope for the day when she'll be able to return to active eldership.

Plans have included the summer Barbecue for the upstairs Montessori pre-school, which was well-attended and really appreciated, especially by the parents who brought their children and got to meet parents of their children's school friends. The summer Migrant Workers meetings were valuable and well attended by 40-50 workers. This week, the PWS&D Committee held their annual meeting at Calvin.

The church continues to support friend Youssef and his daughters and prays for their successful

integration into our Canadian family.

Congregants are encouraged to try to meet regularly with their elder and to share pastoral concerns so that we're aware of issues you want to share. Current Elders are Edward Akuffo, Beverley Albon, Margaret Allan, Maria Bitter, Don Blaak, Marilyn Instant, Lois Lochhead, Malcolm McFee, Ron Richardson, Rod Thomson, moderated by the Reverend Thomas Kim. Please keep us in your prayers.

The Thanksgiving Offering is dedicated to Calvin's Mission and Outreach.

Many thanks for your continuing generous support of this program.

Respectfully, Beverley Albon