The Session’s monthly meeting begins with prayer, occasionally followed by the singing of a hymn. We then discuss the assigned readings from Equipping Elders; last month, the focus was on the role of the Session and Missions. Reports are shared from various church teams, including Greeters, Worship, Pastoral Care, Fellowship and Hospitality, Men’s Breakfast, Facilities and Finance, as well as updates from the Clerk, the Minister, and others. We also pray for individuals whose names are brought forward for special care.

Some of the key discussions at the past two meetings include:

Received three new members by Profession of Faith (December 2024) and two members by Transfer   (January 2025).

Approved minister’s study leave (Ghana mission trip)

Sent reports to Presbytery on the impact of our use of Dr. Dale Woods, the Presbyter for Mission and Visioning and a submission  for the 2nd year of our grant for the Living Table ministry.

Received report to Leading with Care from Day Care of a significant breach of security. Please do your part to ensure the building is secure from strangers.

Finalized the agenda for the upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting.

Introduced the Duty Elder’s role for Sunday service. Each month, a Duty Elder will supervise all Sunday morning activities and make announcements at the beginning of the worship service.

If you have a concern, please speak to your elder to bring it to the next Session meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm.

Beverley A, Clerk of Session